Category Archives: Tutorial

Motion Control – Maxon’s Driven Magazine – See the article “Speed or Torque – or Both?”

Motion Control – Maxon’s Driven Magazine

motion control driven magazine


Motion Control article “Speed or Torque – or Both” in Maxon’s Driven magazine helps in selecting the right motor for an application.  An application that could be on Mars, under water, or even implanted in the human body!

motion control - maxon



Fall River, MA — Motion Control – The Maxon catalog contains a large number of brushless motor types that are called EC Motors. The artice in this issue of DRIVEN briefly describes their properties and possible areas of application.   

Motion Control – Tutorial – Solenoid Construction

Motion Control – Tutorial – Solenoid Construction

motion control solenoid tutorial



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Solenoid Construction

A Solenoid is a long wire, wound with a helical pattern, usually surrounded by a steel frame, having a steel core inside the winding.

When carrying a current “i “, the Solenoid becomes an electro-mechanical device, in which electrical energy is converted into mechanical work.